MSG Centre

MSG Centre

Minutes of Committee Meetings

        Minutes of Meeting (apart from Chairs Report all agreed by committee as a true reflection) from January 2014 to Date.

Middleton St. George Community Association 

Chairs Report AGM 2015

Thank you all for coming this evening it’s great to see you all.

The purpose of this report is to share with you what we as a committee have achieved in the last 12 months to continue to keep the community Centre a popular venue in Middleton St George.  I will also be sharing with you our future plans and thanking individuals for their hard work.


We have managed to work harder in a year and obtain more members to the community centre more than doubling the membership.  We have over 500 people a week using our centre.


Our committee has grown further this past year with more community members coming along to help and support the existing team.  We have members from lots of different backgrounds all able to offer a different skill to the team and it’s great to see so many people getting involved.  We now have 12 active members and more input from hirers.

Room Hire

We have retained the regular hirers and managed to find more hirers to fill the spaces by noting where the needs were and meeting them by approaching people who can lead them and supporting them to set them up.  

Language Class, Connect & Craft Group, Kids Zumba, Boot Camp, Daytime Zumba & Pilates for adults. We have put in place a new way to cross check all hirer’s fees are being paid, provide more up-to-date bookings and share the responsibility of booking in a way that avoids clashes. This allows us to have quicker and more efficient service whilst also supporting Andy & Janet at Hills News. So far this is working well.

Lower Hall

We are pleased to report that there have been no further floods in the last year. 
The year has been spent advertising and showing people around the basement to try to encourage the community to hire, rent or lead groups.  As discussed in the last meeting Youth Group Leaders are not happy to lead a Youth Group in the lower hall due to being unable to remove any trouble up a flight of stairs. 

The Scouts are regularly hiring on a Monday evening for Beavers, Cubs and Scouts but are planning to move back to their own building at some time in the future. 

An excellent proposal has been agreed by the committee for a regular hire of the lower hall for 3 days a week for a Bistro.  This will be a joint venture with the community centre receiving profit rather than rent and an agreement is being drawn up by our legal advisor.  We look forward to supporting the Bistro and hope you will also support to ensure its success.


In June last year our arrangement to share a cleaner with the Parish Centre, which was funded by the Parish Council, came to an end following the need to reduce her hours.
It was decided at the AGM last year that the committee would look at a caretaker.  

Quotes were sought from various companies. The committee reviewed these and came up with an alternative proposal. It was agreed to go with the alternative proposal, Melissa (I) was prepared to cover the cleaning and caretaking for half the price until more funds became available.  We agreed to review this and get quotes again after a set period. It was agreed that this provided the best value result and was in the best interests of the community centre.

We have checked with our constitution and the charities commission, and voted without my input to ensure that correct procedures are being followed to allow a committee member to be contracted in this role by the centre without a conflict of interest. Anyone with any concerns about this can view all the meetings minutes regarding this on our website and or talk to a member of the committee now or at any time.

Anti Social Behavior

A 5th camera was fitted and a log put in place for hirers to report any anti social behaviour in or around the premises and correct signage placed.  A couple of reports have been followed up very quickly by John Angus and Glen Caley from the anti social behaviour team.  The last 6 months or so have been quiet with no further reports.


Thank you to the community for continuing to be vigilant around the centre and for hirers continued security checking of the premises before they leave.  Melissa is now regularly checking the premises after users to be sure the centre is left secure and drawing to hirer’s attention if anything is forgotten.  This has certainly helped to make our centre more secure.

General Maintenance
The use of the humidifier certainly helped this year and we had no uplifting of the floor in the main hall. 

Continued maintenance of the fittings in the centre has been provided throughout the year.
We have been servicing the centres heating system throughout the year however the committee feel that it would be prudent to start looking at its replacement in the next year.
We are proposing a Community “Spring” Clean this summer to help with the small jobs that are needed and hope that all members can support this in some way.

Plans for Improvements

Internally we have been making minor improvements to the centre to make it more usable. We are in the process of finishing the basement refurbishment and will be working to combine these plans with the work for the Bistro.

As discussed at last years AGM we have been looking at the future of the centre following an approach by the church to work together to provide them with some permanent accommodation. Upon investigation it was agreed that our constitution and the role of the centre were not compatible with the requirements of the church however we offered to help them in anyway that we could. Following this we started to investigate the opportunities for improvements and extension of the centre. We started the process by sending out a survey to members, hirers and the wider community to ask what they wanted for the future of the centre.

We had a fantastic response and from this, it become obvious that the most important factor was to improve the centres outside space. Three plans were put together for consideration and again we went out to the community to get their response. Again we had a good response the results of which are on the wall here. We are in the process of putting all the feedback together into a single plan, which we will move forward with. 

We have started the preparation work to enable us to put together a planning application and detailed plans by commissioning surveys of the whole site.
Our committee member Chrissie can answer any questions you have about any of this process.


We have had a busy year of fundraising and managed to raise a further £1600+ organising 2 table top sales, 2 quiz nights, 1 Christmas event, 2 ceilidh’s This is more than double what was made in 2014. This is down to internet marketing, good use of the sandwich board as well as connecting more with the users and community by way of a regular newsletter and emails to members keeping them up to date and sharing. We hope to continue with this progress in the next year. 

We will need to raise a significant sum to fulfil our maintenance and improvement plans and this will need to come from a variety of sources not least our own fundraising efforts therefore we welcome any suggestions or assistance from the members in coming up with ways of doing this.
Other funding sources are being investigated and we have registered for assistance in doing this through the national Village SOS network.

Thank you

I would like to say thank you to Andy Hill and Janet and all staff at Hills News for their continued work in being our key holder and taking bookings.  I would like to thank the people other than the committee who continue to help and actively support the centre. 

I would like to say a big thank you to Keith Walker for all his help with repairs and his Wife Ann for letting him. 

My apologies to anyone I may have missed.

Future Aims and fundraising

Community Photography Competition
Race Night
Table top sale
The Big Community Quiz
Christmas fair
Christmas Panto
The MSG Community Book Drop

Big Thank you

Thank you to all the committee members, we couldn’t do anything without you.  We have obtained new members over the last year and always room for more so please join us your skills and help no matter how little are needed.


Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 11th March 2015 6 pm

1. Present:  M. Lane (Chairperson), D. Beale, L. Sensical, C. Sirrell, C. Thornley,  
S. Camidge, R Sirrell, J. Mathieson (till 7pm), S. Camidge (from 7.15pm)

2. Apologies for absence: C. Gilsenan, S. Dagnell,  R. Chadbourn.

3.  Minutes of previous meeting:   Agreed a correct record.

4.  New members:  126 Christine will send an up to date list.  C. Sirrell will double check some of the email addresses that appear to be in correct.

5.  Accounts:   The current bank balance is £6966 dated February.  Brownies now outstanding £40. Rent to come in for January £1282 & February £1033.  M. Lane gave C.Sirrell Toddler group rent up to date January and February in cash, quiz money, table top sale money, Book sale money £21 and Ceilidh tickets sold money up to date plus additional £30 (not written on list).  All written down with outgoing expenses and receipts attached. L.Seniscal gave receipt for picture framing also given to C.Sirrell and cash given. 

6.  Maintenance/repairs/Cleaning:  Central heating still continuously needs re booting, C.Sirrell obtained quote for what Bristish Gas repair man said thinks the problem is but not covered by plan for £60 work to go ahead next week.  L.Seniscal reported her findings regarding vacuum and all agreed to get two Henry’s one for lower hall.  Around £130 each.  L.Sensical will purchase.   Large marks on ceiling in Lower Hall will be painted with paint donated from B&Q and L. Seniscal arranging painter free of charge.  A quote obtained for just the work would be £60.  The drains unblocked for now but a tree on land roots have grown through pipe which is causing a problem.  This will be added to plan works. 

The drain covers also need replacing and C.Sirrell will look into plastic new ones to replace asap.  Cleaning discussed without M.Lane present.  Quotes from 2 other cleaners considered but all higher than the existing arrangements.  M.Lane was asked to continue and agreed and signed a new contract. M.Lane requested a date be planned in June for a spring clean for the centre for the areas that are not covered under the cleaning contract. 

M.Lane will draw up a list of jobs to be done.  It was agreed a date be planned and help requested at the next AGM.  2 chairs need repair; kitchen cupboard and light bulb replacing in hall and in lower hall.   L.Seniscal will look at.  Door to Lower Hall C.Thornley oiled and seems to be working again now.  New material trim being worked on for stage to prevent the danger of the tacks as they are at present. C.Thornley looking into.

7. Regular Hirers: New Tuesday nights Kids Zumba and Speak Spanish classes. Friday Connect and Craft not for profit community group leader found, T.Mallaby.  They will build up their pot of money to pay for materials and trips and start paying room rent May.  Karate can now pick up the mirrors awaiting C.Thornley to draw up the plan for fitting.

New poster sent to S.Dagnell for Karate approval.  Slimming World donated moneys to go to a community project suggestion to spend money on helping Karate to market themselves so to secure their future in the centre. M.Lane will discuss with Nicole Karate leader.  Committee agreed any new regular hirers would need to book with M.Lane so a correct payment agreement and conditions can be drawn up and bookings via Londis/Hills News should be for one time bookings where payment is made on the day of key pick up.  M.Lane to advice Andy and Janet. 

Hirers need to be reminded that the floor must be swept after each and everyone’s use not just if it looks like it needs it.  A charge will start to be requested if not done.  C.Sirrell will check email address for History group again.

8. PACT: No one able to attend the last meeting.  M.Lane no longer getting notified of when the next one is so if someone can advice us all of the next one then hopefully someone can attend.

9.  Community Centre plan:  Quotes for a topographical survey and elevation survey obtained from 5 companies.  These are needed to apply for planning permission. All agreed on Landform Surveys Eric-hinds to do topographical survey at £540 inc VAT and Grove Studio the elevation survey £500 vat n/a. C.Thornley attended Village SOS and has come back with some great information for the centre on improving our website C.Thornley will discuss with M.Gibson.  Also support on applying for funding and loans amongst other information. 

Leaflets and magazine to share L.Seniscal reading.  It was also agreed to obtain free quotes on a new flat roof.  Existing car park discussed and gravel can be added as a temporary measure but a committed group need to be prepared to rake on a regular basis to stop the gravel causing more damage.  C.Sirrell and S.Camidge volunteered to do this and to arrange and form a rota between them.  Any other able people that can offer to help with this please contact them. 

Concerns voiced regarding the NDP pre draft document containing a statement regarding a community room being built with the Drs. surgery.  This needs clarity as well as many other too simple statements in the NDP that if used to form the final document will open up the village to more threat from developers.  Committee agreed everyone needs to be encouraged to respond with their thoughts even if those thoughts are this is not clear or they don’t understand. 

R.Chadbourn, L.Seniscal and C.Thornley presented their plan to solve the noise issue in the Lower Hall and make the space a more modern funky space.  Committee agreed to go ahead and money will be used from the insurance money received to replace furniture after flooding.  It was also agreed to sell the table tennis table.  This has not been used now for 2 – 3 years and the storage space is needed more.  Also to look at prices for some new tables and chairs that take up less space and are more in with the new look.

10. Fund raising: Table top sale raised £232 the bacon sandwiches went down a treat thankyou B.Oliver.  Book sales have raised £21.00 to date.  Our next event is the Ceilidh this Saturday 40 tickets sold to date we need to get selling the remaining 20.  M.Lane will continue to share on Facebook and it’s on black board.  Everyone given poster for quiz night 25th April to promote and share please.  D.Beale advised by A.Moon that its D.Jones that decides what articles regarding the village go into the Middleton Messenger. 

R.Sirrell will discuss with D.Jones and hopefully our list of regular activities will be in the next edition and speak Spanish class and quiz night.  M.Lane to also email D.Beale asap the details on the North East quiz winners with photo for the next edition.  Tophies to be displayed at the AGM and quiz.  M.Lane to get smaller trophy engraved.  We also need to decide at the AGM where and how to display them. M.Lane and L.Seniscal met with the rural arts foundation and they have agreed to do a panto for us for this year. 

We can book a date in May.  Just in case we don’t get the date we want M.Lane will also look into possible others to book.  Committee agreed to a race night in July.  This will take the place of the summer BBQ.  The church have re booked the centre for their garden party in June and the committee would like to support their event. 

L.Seniscal will sort date for race night  (M.Lane suggests to do on 11th July instead of BBQ) and ticket prices and will be discussed at meeting after the AGM.  Please see below for updated events list.   We have had some kind donations and have raffle prizes for Ceilidh and quiz. Will need winners prizes from local businesses for Quiz. 

14. Dates For Your Diaries:

May 7th  committee meeting at AGM in Lower Hall
July 8th  - Committee meeting - Small meeting Room 6pm
September 9th - Committee meeting - Small meeting Room 6pm
November 11th - Committee meeting - Small meeting Room 6pm

Ceilidh Saturday 14th March 2015 6pm
Community Quiz – Saturday 25th April 7.30 pm  
AGM – Thursday 7th May 7.30pm (Lower Hall)
Saturday 11th July Race Night
Table Top Sale Saturday 3rd October 10-1pm
Ceilidh Saturday 17th October 6pm
The Big Fat Christmas Quiz Saturday 19th December 7.30pm
The village Christmas fair Sunday 29th November 3-6
December/January Panto to be arranged

15. AOB:
Parish Council Works: On the Tuesday after half term 2 trees were being chopped down from the water park and access gained from community centre car park.  This work started at 9am with no appropriate notice to the centre so we could protect our users.  30 parents and small children and babies turned up at 9.30am with no time to warn them.  Letter to be sent to the Parish Council with our concerns from committee requesting future discussions between each other. 

Petition and Objection letter help: M.Lane organised the help to the community and wanted to pay for the hire of the small meeting room for the event.  The committee agreed this was a community and member event and payment would not be required because the use of the room did not lose the centre any money but gained in membership and community support to the centre. 

Tees Valley Network:  Newsletter handed out and invite to their AGM for 17th March if anyone can attend. 
AGM: C.Sirrell will advice all members and place notice for the AGM.  She will also organise refreshments.  It was stressed to the committee that a secretary and treasurer was needed by this date to be voted in or the community centre association would have to end without them.

Correspondent: L.Sensical is now the correspondent for the local newspapers for the village and events so let her know on a weekly basis about events coming up and she will report back to her superiors at the newspapers.

Next meeting Wednesday 7th May after AGM

Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 7th January 2015 6pm

1. Present:  M. Lane (Chairperson), D. Beale, M. Gibson, B. Oliver,
L. Sensical, C. Sirrell, C. Thornley, C.Gilsenan, R. Lodge, R. Chadbourn

2. Apologies for absence: C.Gillott, C. Gilsenan, R.Sirrell, Rev. C, Blakesley, S.Dagnell

3.  Minutes of previous meeting:   Agreed a correct record.

4.  New members:  107 Christine will send an up to date list.

5.  Accounts:    The current bank balance is £6616 dated December.  Still awaiting some large hire payments to come in and Insurance and PAT certificates and invoice to pay out. M.Lane will chase.  Rent to come in for November 1146.50 & December 1142.50.   New regular class on Mondays by S.Camidge.  Wednesday’s new hirer Boot Camp and Scouts ½ hour increase on Mondays.    This is an increase of £18 per week rent.  M.Lane gave C.Sirrell Toddler group rent up to date in cash.

6.  Maintenance/repairs:  Floor in main hall still needs repair C.Sirrell will ask G.Sirrell. The central heating still continuously needs re booting, M.Lane will call out engineer and C.Sirrell will renew the service plan. Waste bin is becoming very full very quickly mainly due to regular hirers not recycling.  M.Lane has had to make 2 trips to the tip to reduce the amount.   M.Lane to place 2 bins with clear signs and send request to hirers to recycle.  Will then review at next meeting. PAT testing done all okay apart from vacuum. L.Seniscal will obtain prices for a new industrial vacuum for next meeting.  Only S.Camidge brought items to be included. 

Fire extinguishers also done awaiting certificates and invoice, M.Lane will chase.  CCTV is bleeping again in Lower Hall, M.Lane will look into.  Large marks on ceiling in Lower Hall from Scouts hire M.Lane to contact and organise repair.  Toilets are still slow to flush and have been since end November.  K.Walker and M.Lane have investigated and need rods from C.Thornley and B.Oliver will assist too.  It was agreed the paper towels in the disabled toilet could be the problem and to change to an air dryer,  M.Lane will organise one being fitted. 

M.Lane will also organise a mat to be placed at the bottom of the stairs to lower hall for feet wiping.  Lower Hall floor is getting very marked and due to an increase in hire needs cleaning on a weekly basis.  CCTV to lower hall doorway had been switched off on the electric board and this has been corrected.  C.Sirrell varnished main hall floor.  Hire agreement has been updated as per previous minutes by M.Lane and updated on website and with Hills News and on notice board.  All hirers also need to be sent an up to date hire conditions pointing out the changes, M.Lane will do this.

7. Regular Hirers: M.Lane has a contact email now for art group but still waiting for an email address for History group.  Rainbows now have new leader Shirley Gray Wood she has keys and signed an agreement given to C.Sirrell.  M.Lane will also be a helper with paperwork and finances.  Brownies rent is still outstanding and M.lane will chase.  Baby clinic times checked and updated.  Karate can now pick up the mirrors and R.Lodge, S.Dagnell will arrange a meeting with C.Thornley to discuss how they will be fixed and where.

8. PACT: meeting on Wednesday 26th November 2014 at 6:30pm at Dinsdale Court.  No one present was able to attend from committee.  M.lane will advice when next meeting is as soon as notified. 

9.  Community Centre plan:  We have received a good response from members and users regarding the plan and many have completed the feedback questionnaire.  The majority want to see option 3.  We need to continue to get these completed.  Next  step will be to get a survey done at the cost of around £150 C.Thornley will organise.

Members and users have been asking about a bus shelter at the bus stop that is no longer there and needed.  Even though not our responsibility it is our responsibility to advice the correct department of the concerns received by us from the feedback forms and C.Thornley will do this. 

10. Fund raising: Charity Quiz night made £291 for Alzheimer’s Society.  The next charity for the centre to support was decided as Sadberge Dogs Home.  M.Lane has organised charity tub.  Christmas Fair raised over £800 and notes have been made for improvements for the next one.  M.Lane will order another Ringtons Hamper to repeat the raffle which made a difference.  Book sales have raised £14.50 since the last  amount. M.lane to give to C.Sirrell to be banked at next meeting.  Our next event is a table top sale Saturday 28th February 10 – 1,  D.Beale will look into and check if a licence is required to continue our sales. 

It was also agreed to change the hire fee for a table to £8 Lower Hall and £12 Main Hall.  Members have been notified and have already booked all the tables in the main hall.  It was agreed to get an A5 flyer printed and distributed again at a cost of £40 for distribution to include the next 3 events dates can be found below.  M.Gibson will get some signs organised to be put out the week before and the night before around the village and on the outside of the village for the next sale, M.Lane to share with M.Gibson on where placed previously.  L.Seniscal, M.Gibson, M.Lane to get prices and go with the cheapest option for printing the flyers 900 black and white a4 sheets. 

C.Sirrell will send chq for deposit for Ceilidh who have increased their price to £240.  It was decided tickets would be £6 for everyone for the next ceilidh and an earlier time.  Mr Chippy has been advised on the dates for the quiz and ceilidh and will attend again. 

M.Lane has found a super Panto to bring to the centre.  A meeting needs to take place with Rural Arts to secure this happening.  Feedback from members and face book was that they would be very interested in a panto.  M.Lane will advice committee of date of meeting with Rural Arts so anyone available can attend. 

M.Lane to do a check list to be followed for events and share with committee to make sure nothing missed or forgotten at events.  Slimming World would like to display a poster and leaflets and L.Seniscal will be requesting a fee of £10 for the month of January for them to do this as per other similar advertising charges for non community centre hirers. 

11. Cleaning/Caretaking:  We now have a better idea of the work and time needed for this position.  C.Sirrell will get some quotes for the position.  M.Lane is happy to continue while prices are being sort and also if the price is still cheaper for her to do it she is happy to continue with an extra hour contract to start from Friday 9th January.  We received a letter from The Charity Commission to advice us that they had received an anonymous letter questioning the committee’s decision to contract the cleaning/caretaking work to the chairperson.  

As at the time this was checked with our constitution and there appears to be no reason why this is not possible, providing the guidance from the Charity Commission is met. The appropriate form has been completed online and confirms this.  The proposal was thoroughly considered and discussed by all at a meeting and found to be the best option in the interest of the Community Centre. This still stands.  A copy of our current constitution has been uploaded to the Charity Commission and they will contact us within the next month.

12. Car Park: It was discussed that new signs have been placed on fire exit doors to prevent un safe parking outside the doors.  An email was also sent to Parish Council regarding their users parking on the access road which could cause an incident especially in bad weather after a number of complaints from concerned users of the centre.
13. Insurance : Confirmation obtained regarding cover for committee members by email by C.Sirrell.  Insurance cover information is for all volunteer workers, regardless of whether they are committee members.

14. Middleton Messenger: It was discussed that there was no mention in the middleton messenger to support the community centre in December.  This may be an oversight and to ensure this does not happen again,  M.Lane will send some information to D.Beale so he may send to A.Moon and hopefully the next issue will show some support to our work for the community.

14. Dates For Your Diaries:

March 11th – Committee meeting – Small meeting Room 6pm
May 7th  committee meeting at AGM in Lower Hall
July 8th  - Committee meeting - Small meeting Room 6pm
September 9th - Committee meeting - Small meeting Room 6pm
November 11th - Committee meeting - Small meeting Room 6pm
Table Top Sale Saturday 28th February  10-1 -
Ceilidh Saturday 14th March 2015 6pm
Community Quiz – Saturday 25th April 7.30 pm   
AGM – Thursday 7th May 7.30pm (Lower Hall)
Saturday 11th July Village Summer BBQ 4 – 7pm
Table Top Sale Saturday 3rd October 10-1pm
Ceilidh Saturday 17th October 6pm
The Big Fat Christmas Quiz Saturday 19th December 7.30pm
The village Christmas fair Sunday 29th November 3-6
December/January Panto to be arranged

15. AOB:

M.Lane and S.Camidge managed to place all decorations in store room of Lower Hall and Main hall.  The Lower hall store room still needs to be emptied and water damaged items disposed of, and fridge, date to be arranged.  C.Sirrell stressed the need for someone to put themselves forward for secretary and treasurer as soon as possible and in time for the AGM in May. 

An old photo has been found in the store room L.Seniscal will re frame for us to place back up.   It was agreed to look into a price for a speaker to be run downstairs from the sound system upstairs for future events M.Lane will do this.  It was discussed that when holding any events selling or offering food products the committee need to be aware of the new allergen law that came into effect on December 13th 2014. 

We need to display an allergen poster as well as package information and ingredients for home made products when selling or providing food products at our events. We will also have to make sure that any food product sellers at our events are doing the same.  M.Lane will laminate 2 and they will be kept in the cupboard of Main Hall kitchen and Lower Hall kitchen.   M.Lane gave £10 table fee from P.Young/Christmas table fee back to be banked.   

Next meeting Wednesday 11th March 2015 6pm


Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 19th November 2014 6pm

1. Present:  M. Lane (Chairperson), D. Beale, C. Gilsenan, M. Gibson, B. Oliver,

L. Sensical, C. Sirrell, C. Thornley, , R.Sirrell, S. Camidge, C.Gilsenan

2. Apologies for absence: R. Chadbourn, R. Lodge, S. Godfrey, C.Gillott

3.  Minutes of previous meeting:   Agreed a correct record.

4.  New members:  2 more 98 in total now.

5.  Accounts:  The current bank balance is £5973 dated October.  November statement due 20th.  Rent to come in for November £1355.50 some increases due to hire fees increase from September and new hirer Mondays in basement and Thursdays Sue extra class every Thursday apart from the 3rd.   Money to come out for November CCTV new digital Video recorder is being purchased and fitted on 20th,  Also Urinal Flush and basement fans, batteries.  Electrics checked and some repairs carried out still awaiting final invoice but certificated for 2 years and all good.   

6.  Maintenance/repairs:  New urinal flush fitted.  Fans repaired in basement.  Need new light bulb to outside crib door and lock to disabled toilet.  A wire needs securing and handle securing as you go downstairs to basement.  Prodrive visited and had photos of disabled toilet that it had no lock on it before refit and also they never touched the fans apart from painting around them.  This was explained to the committee. 

Mr Walker will repair lock and purchase parts after his holiday as well as light bulbs for outside if we have no spares?    Only repair located to floor is a small slim piece missing and Sue Camidge or Mr Sirrell will look at repairing. 
The central heating had to be repaired with no cost to centre it has a service plan and then it was serviced and working fine at present.  Humidifier working we are past the date of problems last year continue to leave on in wet weather.  Recycle bin requested by M.Lane over a month ago and again 2 weeks ago by Mr Walker and still not received one. L.Sensical will chase.  Electrics fitted an RCD socket in the kitchen to be used if outside plug in socket required. 

M.Lane to update conditions of hire to point this out to hirers.  M.Lane also to request  PAT testing £70 for up to 50 items agreed the tester is recommended by TVVHN. R.Sirrell will conduct an up to date electrical inventory to be referred to.  S. Camidge items to be included and again hire agreement conditions need to note all electrical equipment used by hirers in the centre should have an up to date PAT test done on them M.Lane to do this.

Electrician also fitted new type of bulb to spot lights where they are close to curtain.  We must use these types in the future.  Electrician also left off any switches on the main board in the basement that he couldn’t find belong to anything so if we find something is not working it may need to be switched on and a note placed on the board for his next visit.  This may be why the CCTV camera has gone off at the entrance to the Lower Hall door M.Lane and C.Thornley to investigate if after CCTV re fitted on 20th it doesn’t come back on. 

Committee raised concerns at how much we were paying for a new recording box £595 M.Gibson will look into this and check out prices.  Too late for this occasion but would be good to know for the future.  Item fitted is a Digital Video Recorder H.264 DVR Real-time Mobile view, internet, USB, VGA, RoHS, 8 channel 960H DVR for this price. 

C.Sirrell will varnish the floor Saturday 22nd.  The committee also discussed if we need to start asking hirers to also vacuum the hallway after use and sweep the kitchen area etc…  it was agreed that the sweeping of the floor in the main hall is requested for health and safety reasons to protect the next hirers for i.e. small children crawling and karate members bare feet.  If we start to request a full clean too we may not get the hall hired out. 

The vacuum will be made available and stored in the disabled toilet for those hirers who make more than an acceptable mess in the hallway to use.  The centre will continue to be cleaned as normal and between party’s at the weekend when possible.

7.  Bookings:  New hire agreements have now been received by Karate, Brownies.  M.Lane to chase Tonetastic with Andy.   History have paid and correct amount for the year but we still need an up to date agreement with them for our insurance purposes C Sirrell will chase?   Rainbows leaders handed notices in will wait for new leaders to start.

M.Lane will try to help find someone so it doesn’t have to close. Insurance documents received from all but Tonetastic M lane to get from Andy.  M.Lane has insurance documents for regular bouncy castle company and will pass on to C.Sirrell.   New hirer photography company has booked centre a couple of times and will be using again. 

We also have a 4 week 1 hour daytime booking for small meeting room so word is getting out that we have a small meeting room for hire too via website and Facebook, newsletter and TV network.  Melissa has asked for an email address for History group and next years fixtures and C.Sirrell will get one for her. Melissa will attempt to get one for the art group too.  We can then keep on touch with them and keep them updated. 

Baby clinic times need to be checked Maidendale have questions the hours we are billing them.  C.Sirrell will pop in to baby clinic and check he times.  M.Lane will also check the baby clinic are leaving by 11am and alter the dates on the regular activities.

8. PACT: next meeting Wednesday 26th November 2014 at 6:30pm at Dinsdale Court.  Thank you D.Beale for attending the last one and he will try to attend the next one and so will B.Oliver and report that we have had 2 incidents this month explosives in plant pots at front of centre by youths reported to 101 and also youths gathering and damage to refuse bin.  During our meeting John Angus popped in to check on everything.  These 2 issues were also brought to his attention one he already new about.   

9. Poppy event - Sunday November 9th.  C. Gilsenan, L. Sensical & M.Lane attended representing the community centre at the event and made poppies with the children and this was a great success with plenty turning up.  It was not possible for the history group presenting their recent presentation again due to all dates they could make being already booked in the centre.  

10.  Community Centre plan:  NDP meeting on Monday 17th went well and separate minutes available.   C. Thornley presented the 3 proposals that will go up on the wall in the entrance hall in time for the Christmas Fair 30th November. 

Members and users will be notified that they can view the plans along with local residents and the wider community by way of facebook and emails and there will be another survey monkey and written form feedback encouraged and required.  Melissa will personally make sure the direct neighbours to the centre are made aware and their opinions heard.  S.Dagnell and R.Lodge are still to get in touch with C.Thornley to arrange the proposal for fitting the mirrors for karate so that it can be presented to the committee and accepted before it goes ahead.

11. Fund raising: Quiz night £130 profit awaiting cost of tickets to final for our representatives before we can bank which will reduce the amount.  Will use cash flow for xmas gifts fair and bank at later date under quiz heading.  Next one is booked for 20th.  Due to many events at the same time M.Lane has invited Alzheimer’s to sponsor and get profit to keep up momentum for next year to hold another 2.  Ceilidh £54 profit. 

Next event we will make an earlier time of 6 – 10 and increase the tickets price to £6.50 non members and £6 members due to band £230.  Have booked our dates into the calendar for next year so we all have more notice please see below.  M.Lane is looking to book a Panto and going to see them perform at another village hall  in December will feed back at next meeting.  M.Lane also looking into possibility of a cinema club but needs to do some research on whether there would be any interest and will feedback at next meeting. 
12. Christmas Fair Sunday 30th November 3 – 6 pm: 19 tables sold and money in for all.  C.Sirrell to double check on bank statement ASAP that everyone has paid so a table can be offered to those waiting.  Ringtons raffle please can everyone have theirs in by Sunday.  Thank you David Beale who has sold all his 50 excellent.  M.Lane will chase everyone this week and remind them.  We have the hamper and C.Thornley will look for receipt in the box to give to C.Sirrell.  Brass band unable to attend but M.Lane has asked all groups children to attend and sing as well as St Lawrence church singers will be present.  We have pony’s attending. 

1 fair ride, donut stand, Mr Chippy, Mulled wine, mince pies and hot drinks, santa has confirmed although he has lost his costume but looking for it.  Thank you B.Oliver is getting the tombolla prizes together and anyone with anything to be added to deliver to him at 8 The Greenaway .  M.Lane to also advertise on facebook etc for donations. M.Lane to sort plan and names for tables and santa presents.  Also mulled wine 20 bottles and 100 small cups to be purchased M.Lane will look at Macro and advice C.Sirrell if able to purchase for less than 4.99. 

Newsletter – L.Sensical has produced one with up to date information as well as the info on the Christmas fair on the front. 1800 printed. 900 will be delivered for £20 and the rest have been handed out to D.Beale, M.Lane, L.Seniscal, C.Gilsenan, S.Camidge & B.Oliver to deliver remaining which include S.Camidge flyers & Toddler group.  All to be delivered this weekend and next week before the event.

Jobs on the day – set up from 1pm onwards – stall holders 2pm onwards open 3pm onwards

Refreshments downstairs – Mike for an hour
Refreshments upstairs -  Christine Sirrell & Sue Camidge
Mulled Wine – Rebecca
Santa – Maggie and husband, Louise & Roberta stall is close to assist
Selling Ringtons raffle tickets at door as they enter – Melissa & anyone else that can help
Other committee members available too on the day to help out.

13. Insurance – It’s been decided to get confirmation from insurance company in writing what liability cover we have for the committee as individuals after confusion over whether we need employees insurance for the committee members which was suggested at a course M.Lane attended.  M.Lane to arrange the recommended PAT tester by TVVHN PAT tester to do our PAT testing.  TWHN newsletter handed out to all.

M.Lane told the committee about a course on Thursday 27th if anyone would like to attend and feedback to the committee it’s a free course and very informative.  M.Lane to update terms of conditions regarding PAT tested electrical items only to be used in the centre.  S.Camidge has been advised she can bring her equipment along to be tested with the centre’s M.Lane to advice her the dates it will be done.

14. Dates for next year so far

(Committee  Meetings will be held on the  2nd Wednesday of the month subject to change if necessary)

January 7th ,
March 11th
May 7th  at AGM 
July 8th  
September 9th
November 11th
Table Top Sale Saturday 28th February  10-1
Ceilidh Saturday 14th March 2015 6pm
Community Quiz – Saturday 2nd May 7.30pm
AGM – Thursday 7th May 7.30pm  (Sue please note this date to cancel your class)
Saturday 11th July Village Summer BBQ 4 – 7pm
Table Top Sale Saturday 3rd October 10-1pm
Ceilidh Saturday 17th October 6pm
The Big Fat Christmas Quiz Saturday 28th November 7.30pm
The village Christmas fair Sunday 6th December 3-6
Kids Christmas Party Saturday 12th December
December Panto to be arranged

15. AOB:

Cleaning and caretaking M.Lane will continue and discuss further at next meeting.  Committee agreed S.Camidge new Thursday class 7.30 – 8.30 will be £5 rent for the next 4 sessions because its not every Thursday due to History booking this will assist  her to build it up. S.Camidge said she will pay the full price of rent if the numbers increase dramatically on any of these dates.  Hopefully with the leaflet drop this will assist and M.Lane will also place on blackboard for new year.

Committee can re look at this in the new year and if the classes are not a success the committee can go back to the initial plan of using the slot for of book club, cinema club evening sessions and get that started.  S.Camidge and M.Lane were putting decorations up on Friday 21st but S.Camidge would prefer them to be done on 28th and that’s been booked in.

M.Lane unable to help her daughter has her graduation on that day and she received a B A First Class Honours in Broadcasting and media production! S.Camidge and M.Lane will empty and dispose of the cupboard content in the lower hall store room.  The room is starting to smell damp and the items are flood damaged as well as the lower hall fridge.  This will be done over the Christmas holidays and a skip may have to be hired.  The fridge will be disposed of correctly. 

Next meeting Wednesday 7th January 2015 6pm


                         Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 15th October 2014 6pm

1.  Present:  M. Lane (Chairperson), D. Beale, C. Gilsenan, M. Gibson, B. Oliver,

L. Sensical, C. Sirrell, C. Thornley, S.Dagnell, R. Lodge, R. Chadbourn, R.Sirrell, Rev.C.Blakesley,

2.  Apologies for absence:  S. Camidge, S. Godfrey, H. Grove,

3.  Minutes of previous meeting:  Agreed a correct record.

4.  New members:  The membership of the Association is currently 96.  C.Sirrell to remind some their fees are now due.

5.  Accounts:  The current bank balance is £6283.88.  The breakdown of September rent to come in presented and accounts.  Cheques were signed at the meeting for CCTV work, Planning stationery.  Cash rent handed in for Toddler group September and 2 small meeting room rentals.  Book case books sold.  Poster display in centre for slimming world.  It was noted we have the insurance money for furniture for lower hall in reserve account to spend.  It was agreed to wait till the year is out to be sure the flooding will not happen again.

6.  Maintenance/repairs:  Mr.Walker has completed repairs to urinal but its not flushing through and this may be why we have the bad smell.  Mr Walker will look at further.  Lower ground extractor fans x 3 need checking and repairs if needed.  M.Lane to discuss with Mr Walker.  Electrician we agreed on still not booked a date to do work.  Agreed to ask another and S.Dagnell gave a recommendation M.Lane to ring.   

D. Beale will contact Prodrive again regarding DWC door lock not replaced.  Humidifier is in position can everyone make sure it’s on and emptied during wet weather.  S.Dagnell reported wood floor has a raised area on right hand side as enter hall.  M.Lane and C.Sirrell will locate and glue back down as soon as possible.  The central heating has had a repair this week and is now working.  M.Lane to request a recycle bin from street clean.  Taps been repaired that was mentioned in the survey by an unknown hirer.

7.  Bookings:  New hire agreements have now been received by Karate, Brownies.  M.Lane to chase Tonetastic, Rainbows and History.  Insurance documents received from all but Tonetastic.  C.Sirrell will diarise the insurance dates valid to so we can make sure we keep them up to date.  M Lane to chase Hills News for any they may have been given before re chasing hirers. Hire form updated to say time should include set up and set down time.  Conditions of hire now have bouncy castle information re insurance papers required added.  Cleaning and daily checks record log is now up and running in a black folder in kitchen. 

Anti-social behaviour reports forms same.  Scouts have now returned to lower hall on a Monday evening.  S.Camidge has also now booked another Pilates class on the Thursdays history group are not running.  We have had a further enquiry from an Archery club on an evening, added to waiting list.

8. PACT:  Thank you D.Beale for attending the meeting and reporting back to us on email and verbally.  It was felt by the committee that this sharing and being a part of the PACT was very important even though some issues wouldn’t apply to the centre necessarily it does apply to the users and local residents that use the centre therefore good to attend.  D.Beale will let us know when the next one is so again someone can attend. 

9. Friends of the Field At the last meeting we discussed taking part in an event with the friends of the field on Sunday November 9th.  C. Gilsenan and L. Sensical told the committee the final decision regarding a Friends of The Field is still with the Parish Council to confirm the go ahead.  It was agreed that the Church of England and Friends of The Field event should be held together on Sunday 9th November at Middleton One Row War memorial at 11am by way of activity tables of Poppy making for the children.  They will discuss this further.  M.Lane asked how can the community centre now help towards this and confirmed the lower hall was no longer required for refreshments on that date.  Rev.C.Blakesley will discuss the possibility of the history group presenting their recent presentation again in the centre and come back to us.  

10.  Community Centre plan:  C. Thornley has received great feedback on the surveys and it has confirmed that everyone would like to see improvements to the car park and the face of the building as a priority.  C.Thornley has mapped out 3 initial ideas for the car park and land around the centre.  These will be made available as soon as possible on the wall with the plan so far for everyone to comment on.  The committee were very much in favour of plan C.  The car park to the front right of the building.  M.Lane will also contact all local residents to make sure they are aware of the suggestions and we receive their feedback too.  We also have some questions to ask MD2 and Parish Council at the meeting on Thursday 24th October. 

We received some feedback regarding the MUGA on our survey and it was felt we needed to pass this information onto the Parish Council which it was agreed would be done in writing.  Karate would like to fit mirrors in the main hall along the left hand wall.  The committee agreed they would be happy for them to do this and pay for this providing they were safety mirrors and put up correctly and cleaned/checked/serviced by Karate.  S.Dagnell and C.Thornley will get together to draw up a plan and bring to the next meeting before they go ahead.  M.Lane to get papers out to see if anything on Road Access.

11. Fundraising: The table top sale made a profit of £230.55.  It was not as well attended by buyers as the previous sale.  We think due to the Festival of Thrift being the same time in Darlington. 

The Big Community Quiz: Saturday 17th October.  M.Lane has made all community groups aware of this event and invited them to attend and bring a team or join another.  14 tables have confirmed M.Lane, C.Sirrell, B.Oliver, L.Seniscal available to help on the date.  B.Oliver, R.Sirrell, L.Seniscal to collect more prizes from community businesses. 
CEILIDH Saturday 8th November : Tickets need to be sold for this event and any raffle donations welcome.

Christmas Fair Sunday 30th November 3 – 6 pm: It was agreed to use lower hall again.  Space available for 11 upstairs and 6 downstairs.  Members to get tables first.  Where possible not to have repeated stalls the same.  £10 per table and money’s to be paid before the event.  M.Lane to contact the sellers to confirm and Fair rides, Brass Band, Choir.  C.Sirrell to confirm we have a Father Christmas who this year will be positioned on the stage.

S.Seniscal will work on a Christmas newsletter to advertise the fair and be ready to distribute to the village at the next meeting.  This letter needs to be of similar font and set up as the 2014 newsletter and checked by M.Lane and C.Thornley before printed.  We will further discuss this event and what needs doing at next meeting.

Everyone including groups have been given 50 raffle tickets to sell during the run up to the fair for a £72 Ringtons Christmas Hamper.  £1 per single ticket.  Raffle drawn on 30th November at Fair.  This could potentially be a profit of 1K if everyone sold all their tickets this would be a big help in paying towards the work to improve our centre.

Items saved for next meeting due to time
Insurance employees
Fundraising 2015 – Theatre production in March & Psychic evening in February- cinema club.

The meeting closed at 20.50
Next meeting Wednesday 19th November 6pm

                           Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 10th September 2014

1.  Present:  M. Lane (Chairperson), D. Beale, S. Camidge, C. Gilsenan, M. Gibson, B. Oliver,
      L. Sensical, C. Sirrell, C. Thornley

2.  Apologies for absence:  R. Chadbourn, S. Godfrey, H. Grove, R. Sirrell

3.  Minutes of previous meeting:  It was pointed out that the report from Chrissy Thornley (item 11) was given after the formal closure of the meeting. With this amendment the minutes were accepted as a true record.

4.  New members:  The membership of the Association is currently 94.

5.  Accounts:  The current bank balance is £5429. Cheques were signed at the meeting for  Maintenance work, cleaning materials and annual fee for membership of TVVHN.

6.  Maintenance/repairs:  Mr.Walker has completed repairs to the leak from ladies' W.C.
Discussion took place on the economic benefit of only switching refrigerator on when going to use it. It apparently costs approx. £24 per year to leave it switched on all the time and more to start it up from scratch each time. Decision - leave it on.

C. Sirrell to contact electrician again regarding full inspection of electrical system and request him to contact M. Lane to arrange suitable day to carry out work. The external light over car park needs attention as it is filling with water. Electrician to advise on visit.
C. Sirrell to purchase new large sweeping brush.

There has been no response from Prodrive regarding unfinished work in disabled W.C. in basement. D. Beale will contact Prodrive again.  Now that the wet weather is approaching S.Camidge will let us use her machine again to remove the wet from the main hall and prevent more floor problems.  Please can any committee members using the room empty when necessary and make sure it is on when raining or due to rain and main hall doors open.  C.Sirrell explained the central heating is on a timer for the thermostat to return to a minimum when left high and that the radiators will come on when turned up when needed.  The boiler must need re booting if no hot water n the tap and no warmth from radiators.  M.Lane has shown S.Camidge how to re boot the boiler if necessary.

7.  Bookings:  New hire agreements have been signed by some of the regular users of the centre but, as yet, no signed agreements have been received from Brownies, Rainbows, Karate and Tonetastic. M. Lane to write to these users again.

There have been many inquiries from people wanting to use the main hall of the centre for evening fixed, regular bookings but, unfortunately, there are no evening sessions available in the main hall.  M. Lane has attended a seminar on Insurance and the Association is required to hold a copy of insurance cover taken out by the various groups hiring the hall. Failure to hold copies may invalidate our own public liability cover. C. Sirrell to write to the groups concerned.
It is also thought that we may need to provide employee cover for unpaid volunteers, further research to be carried out on this matter.

When bouncy castles are used on the premises the person hiring the centre must ensure that the company providing the bouncy castle has insurance cover. A copy of the policy is required before the event takes place.  M.Lane has put together a poster of photos of the rooms for hire to be placed on notice boards and websites.  M.Lane has received a Positive Activity Audit 2014 from Darlington Council on behalf of the Government to complete on what the centre offers for young people of ages 13 – 19 or up to 24 with a disability.  M.Lane expressed concerns that the centre is not offering enough for this age group to obtain funding in the future so this should be our first priority in hiring out the centre in the future. 

8.  Community Centre plan:  C. Thornley has had 3 replies to e-mails to members and users regarding improvements to the centre. She subsequently used Surveymonkey and got a much greater response.  A display will be available at the Table Top Sale on 27th September of the stage we have reached with an Improvement Plan for the centre.

Some of the issues were fairly urgent such as pointing of the walls, resurfacing of car park, new overflow pipe, ladies' W.C. whilst some improvements are cosmetic and not urgent. C. Thornley will put together a major plan to include all the outside work and the Association can then consider applying for a grant.

The committee need to find a convenient date to have a Spring Clean and invite volunteers to assist (with refreshments provided). It was suggested that we may be able to obtain sponsorship for refreshments and cleaning materials.

9.  Parish Council meeting:  As yet there has not been a date arranged for the meeting with the Parish Council as requested in our recent letter.

10.  Anti social behavior:  There has been episodes of anti social behavior around the Community Centre, particularly weekends. Young people have entered the building and created a mess in the W.C. areas. At one point an organizer felt quite threatened as she was on her own and confronted by four youths. It is important that any incidents in the centre or surrounding area are reported by dialing 101 (999 in emergency). There is now a folder in the kitchen with forms for completion by users who have encountered problems.

11.  Fundraising events: Table Top sale on 27th September. 16 tables taken, set up tables for 9.00am.

C.Thornley will place some balloons around the gate to attract attention to the event on the day  - C. Thornley. 

Raffle - B. Oliver. Any prizes to be brought on the day. Tickets - C. Sirrell
Refreshments - R. Sirrell, C. Sirrell.
Craft activities - any materials to make boxes or to decorate boxes.
Bouncy castle - Mike Gibson, David & Jennie.  It was decided on a £1 for 5 minutes and no more than 5 children every 5 minutes.
Vergeside placards to be collected from Maz. - C. Sirrell.
Advertising leaflets to be distributed w/c 22nd September.

Future bookings. There has been interest in booking of the centre for Photography, a talk about Wills, etc. Pilates, Vintage fair, 3 out of 4 Thursday evenings month are available but the History Group are booked for every 3rd Thursday. It is worth considering monthly meeting groups for the remaining Thursday evenings, such as a Book Club, Crafts, Art group for all ages.

The Quiz night on Saturday, 18th October could do with a few more teams. It is £2 per person with teams of up to 8. E-mail your team to M Lane. Winning team goes on to compete in final with other village hall teams, thus bringing fame and prestige to MSG.

12.  Any other business:  Chairman asked if anyone attending the PACT meetings could represent the Community Association and then report back to us. The next meeting is 24th September at Dinsdale Court 6.30pm.  L. Sensical offered to attend.

Following the insurance course M.Lane attended a check list of cleaning and checks done of the centre has been put together.  This will be kept in the kitchen for any committee members attending the centre to complete as a further protection for the centre and insurance claims.

CCTV this requires servicing as soon as possible.  M.Lane to look at and contact CCTV company.

M. Gibson informed the meeting that John Gibson has contacted Vodaphone to accept the Association as a charity to receive donations on the Justgiving website - via people texting. We are awaiting a response and then it can be advertised on our website.

C. Gilsenan would like our suggestions for any ideas on an event on the park playing field.  L. Sensical suggested a remembrance event on Sunday 9th November around 3pm where the children could make poppy’s and tie them to the flag post.  B.Oliver suggested refreshments back at the centre in the lower hall due to the main hall in use.  C. Sirrell suggested we would need to ask Parish Council and M. Lane suggested this could be done at the meeting with them coming up. 

M.Lane read out a list of 65 types of groups, clubs and reasons for hire of the centre obtained from research.  Committee members were asked to look out for opportunities to let group leaders know of similar that we have rooms available and help advertise our centre. 

M.Lane suggested turning the lower rooms into a coffee lounge to attract these types of smaller groups into using the area and perhaps opening as a coffee lounge some days in the week.  To be discussed again. 

Book Case R. Chadbourn has obtained us a free bookcase to use in the hallway.  M.Lane, L. Seniscal and R. Chadbourn will get this in place before the 27th September to start selling books children’s and adults at 50p each.

 A locked money box will be secured and each book will have a small white spot sticker placed to ensure we are not taking up any space with books that are not selling.

It was noted that some committee members are unable to attend on a Wednesday evening and another night of the week was looked at but more of the committee were unable to make any other evening in the week due to other commitments and the best night where the majority of the committee were able to make is a Wednesday for our meetings.  For the moment we will keep the meetings to a Wednesday to be sure we get the majority of members to attend.

M.Lane obtained some prices for advertising the centre in the Darlington Monthly as a venue for hire and any events we have.  Prices are 1/8th of a page £59 ¼ £79 ½ £149 a month.  To be discussed again.  M.Lane asked the committee to all assist in advertising up and coming events where they are able to ie: local newspapers, websites, facebook, work places.

Events to comeSaturday 27th September Table top and craft sale 10 – 1 pm
                            Saturday 18th October 7.30 pm The Big Community Quiz
                            Saturday 8th November 7.30 pm CEILIDH
                            Sunday 30th November Christmas Fair 3 – 6 pm 

The meeting closed at 21.03
Next meeting Wednesday 15th October 6pm



Middleton St. George Community Association
Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 16th July 2014

1. Present: M. Lane (Chairperson) D.Beale, C Sirrell, R. Sirrell, M.Gibson, H.Grove, C.Thornley, L Seniscal, R.Chadbourn,

2 .Apologies for absence: B. Oliver, C.Gillott, S.Camidge

3. Minutes from previous meeting: The minutes were accepted as a true record.

4. Matters arising from the minutes: Christine has been given access to read only on the centre calendar M.Lane to send her the link.  Still waiting on some signed new agreements from some hirers.  Will give them more time and re look at, at next meeting.  Tables repaired thank you K.Walker.  WD40 still to be put on basement lock C.Sirrell will do.  Newsletters aprox 1200 posted more to do over holidays will look at again at next meeting.  Hedges done by gardener.

5. New members: We now have 83 members.  Some new forms given to M.Lane and C.Sirrell from newsletter being posted, some renewals and some new.  Another 9 handed to C.Sirrell this week from media awareness advertising.  We will continue to grow the membership and all help to spread the word.  NHS Sue Godfrey Thursday’s Baby weigh clinic would like to take a part in the committee meetings and attend one every 3 months.  M. Lane to send her the minutes and the date of the next meeting.

6. Accounts: M.Lane has worked out the June fees due from the calendar and emailed C.Sirrell and the committee shown the information.  It was agreed to place the minutes and accounts on the notice board at the centre and website for members and hirers to feel more aware and involved with the centre.  Present balance £4708. 

7. Refuse: Thank you to K.Walker and C.Thornley for putting together our new bin store.  M.Lane has placed a sticker indicating it’s a refuse bin in the hope that it will not be miss treated.  Sadly some parts have already been removed and found on the water park.  K. Walker re attached more secure.  We have a lock M.Lane and K.Walker have key.  New hire terms for party hirers to take rubbish home with them and notice placed in hall and kitchen as well as party hirers receiving a courtesy call before their booking to reiterate the hire conditions and regular hirers advised.

8. Maintenance/Repairs:  Handle needs replacing on disabled toilet door.  Outside ladies toilet over flow leak to be looked at.  New fuse to water boiler in kitchen to be fitted so CH can be turned off.  M.Lane to talk to K.Walker and obtain quotes if required.   Basement disabled toilet lock not been replaced in re fit.   D.Beale to contact Prodrive and they should arrange with M.Lane to complete work. 

9. Cleaning/Caretaking: M.Lane is cleaning the centre and caretaking for over 5 hours per week and this  seems to working well so far.  C.Sirrell will check the centre between the dates Sunday 27th July and Wednesday 30th August and again between Monday 4th August  –  Friday 8th August.  M.Lane will clean as usual before during and after these dates on those weeks.  M. Lane will leave refuse key in key box. 

10. Booking Update: Sporting Chance will be hopefully using the centre first and last week of the summer term.  Waiting for confirmation that they have enough booked on.  This is a great opportunity for the community.  C.Sirrell and M.Lane have spoken to Age uk and Gill who runs the art class and advised.  M.Lane to advice Tonetastic hirer and Art group no later than 23rd July if hall is needed for this community event.  We have also had an enquiry for a Tuesday evening group but required 6pm start and regular booking at this time.

Tees valley Networks have booked the main hall for a one off training event 2nd September in the afternoon.   We have another new member and hirer for a regular Friday afternoon term time: Imagine me a pre school drama group starting September.  This hirer is also keen to hire the main hall for the rest of the afternoon and evening if availability came up.  Small meeting room to dress for photos over the summer holiday; M.Lane, L.Seniscal, R.Chadbourn, C.Thornley to agree a date.  

L.Seniscal, R.Chadbourn, H.Grove will research other halls and regular activities offered and advertise the basement area and along with  M. Lane will look at starting a Book group, Sewing group, Craft group maybe on Thursday once a month in the main hall from 7pm.  Ask the community to come along and then find a member to lead each month.  We can also look at cinema club, coffee mornings, language class, youth groups…  and any more that we get asked for.

11. Community Centre Plan:  At the last meeting D. Jones suggested the committee should speak with the consultants of the village plan regarding big plans for the water park.  It was agreed that C.Thornley who is working on the community centre plan would attend on the committees behalf on one of the following Thursdays and report back to the committee.  Please see her feedback below; 
Just to feedback to the committee, following the last meeting as discussed I went to see the planning consultants/parish council at the following Thursday drop in session to ask if they were planning on consulting the Community Centre as part of the Neighbourhood Development Plan. 

The response wasn't particularly helpful nor receptive.

I was told that "they had already consulted with the committee" , I stated that I and Melissa, our chair was not aware of this and we had concerns that we had had little input or discussion with them up to this point.  I stated that as an existing community resource I felt we should be part of any plan. 

After speaking to a few other groups/ businesses/ people I had similar concerns that they also felt they hadn't been really involved in the consultation and I reiterated this at this meeting, along with the feeling there had been a lack of opportunities to actually do this. 

Although I suggested that they could come to speak to us at the committee meetings or contact the committee (as Doris Jones is on the committee and is in receipt of all minutes, agendas and meeting dates), I was told that they weren't doing any more consultation as they didn't have time to consult with everyone however I was welcome to come back when the banner was outside to tell them about the Centre's plans.

I have not been contacted by them since nor have they taken up the offer to attend the committee meeting.  I have been unable to attend the Thursday drop in sessions due to the fact that when I have been past the banner is not out and I can only take time out from my job, so many times before it gets a bit ridiculous.

Professionally I am dismayed by the lack of effort made to engage the committee as part of this exercise as I believe we are an existing key community resource within the village which should be a big part of any plan.
Chrissie Thornley

Following the drop in session on Saturday 12th July by the parish council many of the 300 plus community centre users were left confused and distressed over plans to build on the field area of the park and develop the water park area.  Some committee members have been approached and have found it necessary to explain the community centres position on the plan.  Even though it was advertised to be a consultation exercise it came across to many as a decision made and there was a plan for the water park that surrounds the community centre naming the community centre as “The Nursery” It was necessary for the committee members to explain the Community Centre is not part of the parish council but a community owned building and not part of the plan or invited to the steering group to develop it.

Hopefully this misunderstanding in the community will not harm all the hard work of the committee to get more hirers and users for the centre and the community relationships we have already built up will strengthen with people having a better understanding of the work we all do as volunteers.  C.Thornley has started the plan with an examination of the building and has already alerted the committee to the outside leak recorded under maintenance.

 The committee were presented with a SWOT Analysis each, suggestions for improvements sheet to add to and return.  A notice will be placed for hirers and users of the centre “Get involved with your Community Centre” with a suggestions box and paper for all ages to put forward their ideas and suggestions.  Every member will receive the same via email from a purpose set up email address  for them to reply to. C.Sirrel to email an up to date list of members email addresses.  Can a paper copy be posted to these members that have not provided an email address please? 

Various community social media sites will be used to obtain the maximum amount of involvement as possible.  M. Lane will visit all the groups and hirers for their input.  C.Thornley will also work on some boards to be used in the basement to reduce the echo.

12. Fundraising:
S. Seniscal and R. Chadbourn will look at a book case to purchase for the foyer so we can start selling books again.  M.Lane will look into a money box that can be secured.  S.Seniscal, R. Chadbourn and H. Grove have some great new ideas and will make notes on them and bring them to the next meeting. 

Saturday 27th September Craft/Table Top Sale 10 am – 1 pm : It was agreed members get the option to hire a table over a non member.  Anyone that would like a table needs to contact C. Sirrell.  Committee agreed to hire bouncy castle and provide a children’s art activity at this event.  M.Lane will organise the activity and castle and  produce a poster and leaflets. M.Gibson to help supervise the bouncy castle on the day hopefully with other committee member’s help on a rota system.  M.Lane, C.Thornley, C Sirrell have booked tables as sellers so other members help is needed please at this event. 

Saturday 18th October The Big Community Quiz: Quiz master booked, Flyers have gone out and posters placed.  Mr Chippy has confirmed attendance and now awaiting quiz group names that want to take part.

Saturday 25th October Kids Halloween Party: It was agreed that M.Lane would organise and run this event this year for the Toddler Group.

Saturday 8th November: Ceilidh, Compass Rose confirmed and C.Sirrell to send deposit.
Sunday 30th November: Christmas Fair to be discussed at next meeting.  Any interest in booking a table to M.Lane please.

Committee agreed we would continue to advertise all our events by leaflet drop to the whole village and take the costs out of the profit.  This has been found to prove successful.  Also advertising on local community media sites, our own website, black board and flyers in local businesses and notice board in the centre and C.Sirrell railings.  M.Lane also places a flyer on her car to help promote it more in the community. 

We had a very productive and positive meeting and it was wonderful to welcome the three new committee members.  We look forward to working with you all.
Meeting closed 9pm

Next meeting in the Basement Wednesday 10th September 2014 at 6pm

 Minutes of the committee meeting held on Wednesday 4th June 2014

1.       Present:  M. Lane (Chairman), D. Beale, M. Gibson, D. Jones, B. Oliver, C. Sirrell,
 R. Sirrell, C. Thornley

2.       Apologies for absence:  No apologies received

      3.    Minutes of previous meeting:   The minutes were accepted as a true record.

4.       Bookings:  The diary for bookings is now set up and working well.  Committee  
           members have read only access. Andy and Janet from Londis and Melissa have write permissions.               Melissa will complete a monthly hire fees owed sheet so Christine can keep a check that all fees are               being paid. 

             New agreements with regular users are needed as the original ones are outdated. 2
             weeks’ notice is required if regular users are cancelling sessions, otherwise payment  
             will be required if the hall cannot be re-booked.

5.      Maintenance/repair:  There are two tables awaiting repair. WD40 required on basement outside lock.

6.      Community Quiz:  The date for the MSG quiz is Saturday, 18th October at 7.30pm.  Team names should be submitted to Melissa. Teams will pay on the night £2 each.  The winning team will proceed to the final organised by Tees Valley Village Halls Network.  Team for the final is no more than 6.
7.      Caretaker/Cleaner:  The cleaner provided by The Parish Council has resigned and will  
not be replaced. We are grateful for the service that has been provided and discussion took place regarding replacement.  Melissa is willing to undertake the duties of cleaner and also to act as caretaker for ensuring that the centre is closed appropriately after functions and opening up when necessary.

It was agreed that such a role would be entirely separate from Melissa’s role as Chairman and the Mother and Toddler groups she runs.

It was agreed that remuneration would be paid of £8 per hour for 6 hours per week.  This will be paid by Standing Order.

A record will be kept of the amount of work undertaken to see if the role is viable and invoices will be submitted for cleaning materials.

A contract will be drawn up, initially until the end of December when it will be reviewed.

8.      Community Centre Plan:  Letters are to be sent to regular hirers asking for their views on any problems with current state of Centre and what they see as being needed for the future.
Bill Oliver was surprised that the previous minutes stated that the fire doors needed updating as Fire Department considered them adequate. C. Thornley agreed but said the fire doors, particularly at the top of the basement stairs, would need upgrading in the future.

Doris Jones stated that the Parish Council had big plans for the Water Park and the committee members ought to be talking to the people working on the Village Development Plan.

9.       Website/Newsletter:  Thanks to Mike Gibson and John Gibson the Community Association now has a website up and running.

A Newsletter is ready to be distributed. The committee agreed to spend £20 to get it delivered with the free newspaper. Some areas are not covered. Christine and Rebecca will cover St. George’s Gate, Haxby Grove, Cheltenham Court and Wolsingham drive. Melissa will do Woodlands Green. David Water View.  Doris Jones has copied 2000.  Christine Thornley will fold and Melissa will be adding a small flyer regarding quiz to the newsletter and try to have them delivered to those named by the end of next week ending in 13th June.

10.   Fundraising :  The table top sale produced a profit of £116.36. Another sale to be held on September 27th.

Melissa has contacted a Psychic group but they have not been back in touch.

To bring rental rates in line with all hirers it was agreed that the following groups will be informed that the rates for their hire will alter from 1st September:

Karate £8 per hour
History Group £8 per hour
Brownies and Rainbows £7 per hour
Guides £8 per hour

11.  Refuse:  Melissa has priced outside bin stores which will take 2 wheelie bins for £90-£100. Christine to order one. We need to identify a suitable site as it will need securing to a wall. A hot water urn to be purchased for large functions.

12.  Any other business:  At the AGM the advantages  of exposing the front of the building were discussed. Subsequently, John Wheeler suggested cutting the hedge down to about 3 feet high as a temporary measure. He was willing to assist. It was thought that it should not be too low as this would encourage youngsters to jump over it. Christine to ask the gardener to cut it to about 4 feet when he trims it.

Two quotations have been received for testing electricity wiring etc. for entire building. One for £180 and one for £150. It was agreed to accept Whitely Electrical Ltd. at £150 as they have been recommended by a previous customer.

Mike Gibson gave information about the website. There is a box on the side for e-mails and the main blog down the centre of the page can have forthcoming events put on.

The meeting closed at 7.40pm
Next meeting Wednesday 16th July @ 6pm

Please Note: 16th July minutes will be published once they are agreed as true reflection by the committee at the next September meeting.

Minutes of the committee meeting held on 1st May 2014 at 9.05pm

1.   Present: M. Lane(Chair), D. Beale, C. Sirrell, R. Sirrell, C. Blakesley, C. Thornley,
 M. Gibson

 2.   Apologies for absence:  D. Jones

 3.   Any other business:  M Lane would like to discuss with Andy Hill and Janet Thompson               (Londis) the possibility of sharing a Google Calendar for bookings of the Community Centre. Whilst the work carried out by Londis is greatly appreciated the committee are never sure what bookings have been made and, therefore, any availability. It is important that for most committee members the calendar is read only with one person able to add bookings so as not to double book the facilities. M. Gibson is willing to assist with the setting up of this.

 C. Blakely queried if there is any available funding to provide a caretaker as members of the committee are sometimes having to attend the centre to allow access for maintenance people and to close windows, turn off lights etc. when the building is not closed up properly.

There will shortly be a quiz night , the winners of which will go forward to the TVVHN final on 18th October.



Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held at 7.30pm on 1st May 2014

1.       Apologies for absence:   Mr. D. Bassi, Mr. M. Walker, Ms. V. Johnston, Mr. S. Crowther, Mr. & Mrs. J. Simpson, Mrs. D. Jones, Mr. J. Gibson, Ms. H. Parkinson,
 Mrs. C. Gillott

2.     Minutes of previous meeting:  The minutes of the meeting were accepted as a true record.

3.       Annual report:  Melissa Lane, Chairperson,  gave her Annual Report (copy attached)

4.      Treasurer’s report:  Christine Sirrell, Treasurer, gave her report indicating that the insurance cost appears to be high but it covers two years premiums as the insurance company delayed paying the December 2012 payment into their bank until January 2013. The committee has taken out a policy for 3 years at a guaranteed cost which reduces the possibility of higher premiums in the next two years.

The meeting noted that the membership was  small considering the size of the population. D. Beale suggested that recruiting notices be placed in local pubs. G. Wheeler thought that  attendance at regular hirer’s meeting (such as History Group) by a committee    member to explain how the centre is managed may bring in additional members.

J. Wheeler queried why room hire income was less than the previous year. The treasurer had no explanation for this. The amount stated is that paid into the bank during 2013.
Approval of the report was proposed by J. Wheeler and seconded by G. Sirrell

5.      Appointment of officers:
J. Wheeler proposed M.Lane as Chairman, seconded by G. Sirrell. There being no further nominations Melissa Lane was duly re-elected as Chairperson for the coming year.

M. Lane proposed D. Beale  as Vice Chairman seconded by J. Wheeler
Secretary: There are no nominations for Secretary and the post remains vacant.

Treasurer: Christine Sirrell
Committee members: Caroline Gillott, Christine Thornley, Rev. Christine Blakesley, Mike Gibson, John Gibson, Rebecca Sirrell, Bill Oliver
Auditors: David Bassi, Martin Walker

6.                 Agree membership subscription: It was agreed to retain the membership fee at £5 per annum.
The Chairman pointed out that room hiring charges were only increased last September. It was agreed by the meeting that any increase in hiring fees should be arranged by the committee at a time convenient to them. Suggested charges were Small Meeting Room - £6 per hour; Basement  - £8 per hour; Main Hall daytime - £6 per hour; Main Hall, evenings/weekends - £12 per hour, apart from existing regular bookings which will remain at £11 per hour for the time being.

7.                 Extension to building:  The need for extra facilities in the form of additional rooms is apparent as many       potential bookings are being turned down due to lack of space.

An extension to the building is the ideal solution but before any application for funding can be made for this improvements to the building and a long term plan are essential.

The front of the area requires opening up so the centre is evident to the passing public, the roof and car park require repair and fire doors are not currently adequate.

C. Thornley is prepared to formulate a plan of action. Maintenance of the building to improve the  condition of the building as it is, then opening out the front followed by a long term plan to extend.
C. Thornley will look at availability of funding from various sources.

J. Wheeler expressed concern about the business case and any risks but encouraged the committee to go ahead and produce more detailed proposals. Any important issues can be brought to an extraordinary meeting of the Association members.

Discussion took place about the reluctance of people to use the basement area, particularly the Youth Leaders. Their main concern is the single access to the area which is via a staircase. J. Wheeler suggested that the only way to achieve extra access is an entrance into the side of the building with a lobby at the top with windows to provide light.

8.        Any other business: A website for the Centre is being set up. Address will be msgcommunity (or

J. Wheeler thanked the committee for their work throughout the year, particularly the Chairman, Melissa Lane who has put much effort into the running of the centre.

The meeting closed at 21.05


Minutes of the committee held on 23rd April 2014 6pm

1.      Present:  M. Lane (Chairman), C. Sirrell (Treasurer)
      R. Sirrell, S. Camidge, M. Gibson, J. Gibson, C. Thornley, G. Caley, P. Willis

2.      Apologies for absence:  D. Beale, A. Giles, C. Gillott, H. Parkinson,
         B. Oliver, Rev C. Blakesley, D. Jones,

3.      Minutes of previous meeting:  The minutes were accepted as a true record.

4.      New Committee members:  We welcome Michael Gibson, John Gibson and Christine Thornley onto the committee.  All bring new skills and ideas to the committee and we look forward to their help and support and working with them.

 Matters arising from previous minutes:

5.      Room Hire Enquiry from D. Jones.  It was confirmed by C. Sirrell that the charity event held on Sunday March 16th was to raise funds for Mal Turnbull memory bench and remaining amount donated to charity.  Therefore as previously agreed by the committee £20 rent is to be paid for the hire costs rather than the full room hire fee.  C. Sirrell to check that has been done.

    Basement Update: The basement is now finished and available for hire.  M. Lane to advertise the basement and hire agreement needed with terms of hire.

Website:  R. Sirrell was arranging some training regarding this for the committee.  This may not be required with our new committee members experience and will be discussed again at the next meeting.

Ceilidh: We raised £238 at the event.  Well done to all and we have booked our next Ceilidh event for 8th November M. Lane to advise Andy/Janet and  Compass Rose and the chip man of the date.

Refurbishment update: S. Camidge has now completed the chair recovering and they look super thank you Sue.  So far rubber ends not required for the base of the chair legs.  The stage has been re carpeted, edge trimming placed and looks great too.  Thank you Sue and her husband.  C. Sirrell will put a list together of other general maintenance jobs required to get volunteers at the AGM.

Adult Training Courses: WEa North East Region have funding available to offer adult courses that could be held at the centre no feedback from Committee’s residents and friends regarding the interest in this,  advise the members at the AGM of this offer.

Centre Security: The Fire exit door continues to be left open and it appears to be a Wednesday as well as the front door left un locked and found by the Art group on one occasion last month.  R. Sirrell will discuss again with the Tuesday hirer.  A new CCTV camera is to be fitted on Friday 2nd May to view the front door at an aprox cost of £400 + vat.

6.      Anti Social Behaviour: Glenn Caley   - Anti Social Behaviour Officer - Anti Social Behaviour Team - Darlington Borough Council  01325  346831/346752 Email: and P. Willis Youth Worker that covers Middleton St George attended our meeting. 

         The previous anti social behaviour reported has been looked into and letters sent to those in the area at the time of the incidents as seen on the CCTV.  No hirers have reported any anti social behaviour since.  

        Warning posters have been placed regarding trespassers and also a CCTV camera will be fitted on Friday May 2nd picking up any one coming in and out the front door.  Any future disturbances should be reported to either 101 at the time or Glenn Caley on the above contacts details. 

       It was discussed with the committee how we can avoid more anti social behaviour incidents in the future.  Providing the youths with an area to take ownership and that they can call their own to meet and socialise is obviously successful but the only space available at present is the basement.  Due to the stairs down to the area and no 2nd exit the youth workers feel unsafe working down in the basement running a youth group.

         If it was necessary to evict a youth member it would be difficult to get one or more teenager out of the area when you have to precede them up a large flight of stairs.  P. Willis said they would be interested in hiring for other types of training courses or sex education classes but not open house youth groups where you could feel backed into a corner. 

         It was discussed that an upstairs area with better access would be more suitable and that a youth group is something we want to offer and will look at ways to do this.  The main hall is hired out every evening and there are also many other groups in the village that are looking for spaces to hire for community events.

         Turning the tennis courts into a covered area and more useable area to be hired out was discussed as an idea to be put forward in the neighbourhood plan which has been done by M. Lane on her return form.  The tennis courts area is owned by the parish council.  Committee also discussed how a youth group could be accommodated into any extension that we may do in the future.

        P. Willis said the youth budget would cover an initial 6 weeks group or longer if the number of teenagers attending allowed but that the intention would be for members of the community to volunteer to run and supervise the group long term.  Ages would be around 10 – 16 years and times required would be 6 – 8pm approximately 1 night a week possibly increasing to 2 or 3.  If a space becomes available during the week we should give first refusal to the youth worker. 

7.   Extension: Following the enquiry at the last meeting from Rev C. Blakesley for a meeting room/ office for the church M.Lane and C. Thornley have looked at papers and present association constitution.  It has been confirmed what land the Community Centre Association own and where the boundaries are and the possibility for extension.

      This is to be presented to the members at the AGM as a long term improvement plan for the building to allow more community groups to become involved with the centre therefore accessing more help to run the centre and improve it.

      It was suggested that the basement be an ideal space for Rev C. Blakesley to hire and to be suggested to her and discussed further with committee if interested.  C. Thornley RIBA Chartered Architect is happy as a committee member to put a plan together of our long term restoration and possible extension of the building to accommodate what we need it for.

  It was suggested that we ask all the hirers/members to advice C. Thornley by email of their requirements to allow them to be built into the plan at the AGM.  From that we can then move forward to apply for funding and grants and with the help of new committee members all take an active role in the work to be done.

8.   Community centre bookings: We have no up to date information on bookings for April and onwards from Andy/Janet Hills News.  There were also some additional bookings again in March we had not been notified of.  M. Lane stressed to the committee again the problems created by not having up to date booking information. 

    The security of the building as well as maintenance repairs and making sure toilet roll, paper towels, rubbish space etc available for hirers.  C. Thornley suggested a new diary system for Andy/Janet that can be shared and accessed by the committee.  This will help to reduce Andy/Janet work load as well as keep us up to date.  C. Thornley looking into.

9.   Refuse: Keith Walker has reported on occasion larger amounts of refuse to be put out for collection than will fit into the wheelie bin and recycling.  A 2nd wheelie bin will be ordered by C. Sirrell and committee members will keep an eye on the refuse amounts possibly reducing when we pop into the building.  Mr Walker has stressed he will be unable to move a large wheelie bin.  Storage of these bins will be worked into the plan for improvements to the centre by C. Thornley.
10. Toilets:  The smell from the gents was discussed and it has been reported that because the gents are not regularly flushed or taps turned on this creates this problem.  Regular hirers and committee members to run a cold tap for short periods when they are using the building to prevent this.

11. Village Consultation: Thank you B. Oliver and S. Camidge for attending the village consultation and selling refreshments the amount £      profit was made towards our fundraising.

12. Fund Raising: C. Sirrell would like to organise a table top sale in May and date to be confirmed.  S. Camidge would like us to look at a summer BBQ.  Community Quiz is also being looked at M. Lane to attend a meeting Monday 28th April with other community centres representatives.  Fundraising to be further discussed at AGM and meeting afterwards.

13. Electrics: C. Sirrell has obtained a quote of £180 to check our rewiring.  Committee agreed to get two more quotes and C. Thornley recommended we check the electricians experience and knowledge of old buildings.  C. Thornley recommended an electrician and details will be texted to C. Sirrell to obtain 2 more quotes.  All quotes obtained will be added to other quotes already received and passed to C. Thornley as part of the community centre plan and further discussed at next meeting. 

The meeting closed at 8.45pm

Next meeting after AGM Thursday 1st May 7.30pm. 


Minutes of the committee held on 26th February 2014

1.      Present:  M. Lane (Chairman), C. Sirrell (Treasurer)
      B. Oliver, R. Sirrell, D. Jones, S. Camidge, Rev C. Blakesley

2.      Apologies for absence:  D. Beale, A. Giles, C. Gillott, H. Parkinson

3.      Minutes of previous meeting:  The minutes were accepted as a true record.

4.      Room Hire Enquiry from D. Jones.  D. Jones has hired the hall for the village consultation event 1st March and the committee have agreed a fee of £20 should be invoiced to the Council for the rent for this event.  The committee have already agreed a fee of only £20 for hall running costs for an event taking place in March for M. Turnbull a Macmillan coffee morning.  D. Jones tells us this is to raise money for a bench and not a Macmillan coffee morning.  If this is the case the committee will not be charging for the hire but Doris will check her information is correct and get back to us.

5.      Rev Christine Blakesley Visit The local Church of England are looking for a base for the Church of England in the village and Coffee shop.  A suggestion has been put forward to work together in extending the community centre.  The pros and cons of this have been lightly discussed with the committee and will be put forward to the members at the next AGM.

6.      Basement Update The basement will be ready on Monday and a meeting taking place at 12 noon Monday 3rd March for the hand over.  The loss of keys by Prodrive to the basement were again discussed and confirmed that there would be no need to replace the doors and or locks.  That we believe the loss of the keys is a genuine error and does not put the basement security at any risk. 

7.      Community centre bookings advice is still not being kept up to date and B. Oliver will start to email Janet each Friday for any additional bookings we are un aware of.

8.      Village Consultation B. Oliver and S. Camidge will attend the village consultation on Saturday and sell refreshments to raise more funds for the centre as well as raise more awareness of membership and the Ceilidh.

9.      Membership Sadly C. Gillott is having to step down as secretary but will continue on the committee.  Congratulations were given to Caroline and her family on her pregnancy and thanks for her work this year and pleasure at her staying on the committee.  

     We also welcome S. Camidge and Rev. C. Blakesley onto the committee.  It was agreed that we need to encourage more centre users to become involved with the committee and that we will all verbally attempt to recruit more as well as place an advert at the centre.  Membership is now 50. Committee members 11.  Vacancy for Secretary available.

10.  Training Course Feedback R. Sirrell kindly attended an event and brought some great ideas back to the meeting to help us to improve the management of the committee.  Rebecca has the name and contact details of a Website builder who will meet with M. Lane and R. Sirrel and anyone else who would like to attend to help us to start our own website.  Rebecca will also be looking at a small booklet with policies and procedures for committee members to have a copy of for their information.  R. Sirrell will also check our first aid kit and accident book to make sure they are up to date. 

11.  Ceilidh 40 tickets have been sold so far for the Ceilidh on Saturday 8th March.  The remaining 20 will be pushed over the next week by all committee and M. Lane will check figures again Monday to see if we place the black board again outside the centre.  Everyone was asked to bring along any raffle prizes they may have to donate or pass on to another committee member if they are unable to attend.  C. Sirrell will confirm with the chip van that they received M. Lane messages and are attending the event. 

12.  Fund Raising At the last meeting sources for funding were going to be looked into for fencing, re service car park and re pointing work as well as quotations obtained for these… so far we have 3 quotes for fencing.  B. Oliver will look at sources of funding as well as hopefully a member of the committee being able to attend a funding fair next week being held locally.

     Information already sent to all members separately.  M. Lane unable to attend.  M. Lane to continue obtaining quotes for car park.  B. Oliver for pointing.  C. Sirrell for electrics and S. Camidge kitchen.  It was agreed it was worth obtaining quotes for all work that may be needed to community centre over the next 5 years so funding can be applied for in one go.  To be discussed again at next meeting.

13. Refurbishments update S. Camidge half way through the chair recovering and they are looking super.  It was discussed that the legs have no rubber base and therefore scratching the paint off the legs during stacking.  Will monitor this and if we feel rubber ends would prevent too much re painting then obtain a price for 60 x 4 rubber ends. 

     It was agreed that the stage is to be re carpeted and a better edge trimming used at £194.  The chairs are working out at £720.  There are 40 less chairs than M. Lane originally calculated and money agreed to spend was £1200.

      Thank you to Charities of Middleton One Row for their contribution to the refurbishments of £600.  It has been noticed that there is storage space under the stage so a door has been added to the side by S. Camidge with no extra cost to the centre for S. Camidge to use for her classes equipment.

14.  AGM The AGM date has been agreed for Thursday 1st May at 7.30pm so the Thursday’s regular booking does not have to be cancelled.  Cheese and wine to be available.  C. Sirrell to advice all members.

15.   Adult Training Courses WEa North East Region have funding available to offer adult courses that could be held at the centre if there is enough interest.  Committee to speak to residents and friends regarding the interest in this. 

16.  Centre Security The Fire exit door was left unlocked and latch open by a hirer.  Cleaner and art class keep reporting the same regularly.  M. Lane to search through the CCTV for this and find out who is responsible for this.    

17.  Quiz Fundraiser M. Lane to attend a meeting at The Wilson centre on 28th April at 10.30 to find out more about a community quiz event for us to take part in.  If anyone can join M. Lane at the event please let her know.  It’s informal with refreshments and a chance to meet other community centre committee members. 

18.  Gardening It was agreed to continue with the present gardener for another year.
Any other business:

The meeting closed at
Next meeting after AGM Thursday 1st May 7.30pm.

Middleton St George Community Association
Minutes of the Committee Meeting held on 8th January 2014

Present: M Lane (Chairperson), D Beale, H Parkinson, C Sirrell, R Sirrell, C Gillott, B Oliver
Apologies for absence: A Giles and D Jones
Minutes from previous meeting: The minutes were accepted as a true record.
Outside Lights
Melissa spoke to the man who lives at the back of the centre & agreed he could adjust the lights.
Mr Walker complained about the tree that over hangs his garden and this has now been sorted out.

Xmas Fair
We received very good reports regarding the Christmas Fair and will look at what to do this year nearer the time.
This years fair will be the last Sunday in November.

Pool Table

Didn’t get the pool table as was too big to be transported but a possible snooker table is available.
Calendar from Londis

We are still struggling to get any idea of bookings from Andy at Londis – last received for October, November, December 2013.

Basement Update

No update
Lost keys- Melissa looking into who lost the keys
Found keys & done copies
Additional lock put on
Before signing over the door needs replacing
Ceilings are to be painted –White Matt & walls Magnolia Matt
Kitchen-to be replaced under insurance new doors
David –emailing Ian Boyes re radiators not working.

Up to date memberships are now 47

Fees Update
Basement fee- £8.00 per hour
Small meeting room fee-£6.00 per hour

Web Page
Melissa getting quotes

Chairs being recovered

Price for recovering given by Sue £12 per chair
Christine writing to Middleton One Row charities for donations

Electrics need testing last tested 2010


Needed for car park, fencing & rewiring
Caroline to look in Lottery Fund folder?


Community page on Facebook – advertising
Booked for early March.

Finished 7.45pm

Next meeting Wednesday 26th February 2014 6pm.

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