MSG Centre

MSG Centre

Thursday 17 July 2014

Middleton St George Community Centre

Get involved with your Community Centre

Our Community Centre is a well-used resource within the village, currently
hosting various regular groups for babies, OAPs and those in-between as well
as many one off events and private hires.

The community owns the community centre and its members help to support it
as a resource. As it is a non-for-profit charity the committee of volunteers
currently give up their time and energy to run and maintain the centre on the
community’s behalf.

As part of our efforts we have been looking at the building and grounds with
regards to its ongoing maintenance and improvement. This ensures that it can
be used day to day and to ensure its future can be secured for the next

The committee are dedicated to looking after it however we are only too aware
that it is a community resource as such we want to hear from its users and the
wider community so that we can plan for the future.
Please send your thoughts and ideas to the committee either via our email:

Or pop a note in the Feedback box at the community centre.
Here are some things you might want to consider:

⇒ What do you like about the community centre?
⇒ Do you have any ideas for improvements – big or small, inside, outside or within
the site?
⇒ Would you like to see anything about the centre change, if so what?
⇒ What do you think would make the centre more usable by the whole
⇒ Do you currently encounter any problems with the centre?
⇒ Do you know of any maintenance issues?
⇒ If new groups/activities were to run from the centre, what would you be
interested in?
⇒ Do you know of anybody interested using the centre either now or in the future?
⇒ Do you have any fundraising ideas?
⇒ Would you like to get more involved?
⇒ Are you a member? Membership is only £5 a year.

Please also check out our website for news, events and information about
hiring the centre: